the journey is short but it takes long to reach to the divine. as there are many pitfalls on the path. even advanced meditators and sadhaks make mistakes. the higher you go in flight there are more chances of falling down.
one has to be very careful in spiritual search. make sure you never feed your ego in any subtle way. there are many ways mind can fool you. here are few common pointers for your help.
7 mistakes which advanced meditators make:
1. not watching the gap between thoughts – when you start witnessing the mind and its content then you are asked to watch the thoughts without getting identified. slowly as you witness the mind, it slows down and you start seeing the gap between two thoughts. then the meditator should focus more on watching the gap or silence between two thoughts. the silence between two thoughts is the real gem. focus on this silence and allow it to be bigger and bigger. this silence is reflection of inner stillness and centering which you are creating via meditation.
2. using occult powers – when you do any sadhana sincerely for a long time then some occult powers can come to you. but it does not mean that we should start using them. because these occult powers have come because of your accumulated energy in sadhana. if you use the accumulated energy then it will be dissipated and you will lose the siddhis. on the other hand, if you don’t use the occult powers then this energy (occult powers) will be used in opening your higher chakras.
3. subtle ego – the mind is always playing its tricks. till the very last moment of samadhi you will be troubled by ego. the meditators ego becomes very refined and subtle. one has to be really razor sharp to see how the ego is fooling.
4. gurudom – when advanced meditators have a strong presence which attracts people towards them. but they are not enlightened. they have not attained to samadhi. many times they declare themselves as enlightened master and start teaching. one can help the fellow travellers without lying also. one can conduct meditation camp but no need to fool people by saying that you have reached or have become enlightened.
5. seriousness – meditation brings detachment but not seriousness. take life lightly. no need to get serious. meditator should specially include activities which makes them lighter in mood like laughter, gardening, pottery, cooking or any such activity. don’t be serious but be sincere.
6. running away from society – meditation is all about witnessing. meditator should be centered in every situation. society is one of the best place to test your meditation. so don’t run away from society.
7. taking it easy (procrastination) – there are many ways mind tries to fool the sadhak. one of the trick of mind is to suggest that you are doing well in meditation. so take it easy. if you don’t get enlightened in this life then you will surely get enlightened in next life. just be a witness to this habit of postponing things. in meditation one should be relax but it does not mean that we become lazy or postpone our spiritual growth. be a witness to all tricks of mind.