it is said that the root of all our fears is the fear of death. no one wants to die as death is a complete mystery to us. we don’t know what will happen to us after death. moreover, death strip us from all our possessions and the identity which we value so much in […]
What is jealousy and how jealousy works in our life
jealousy is one emotion which have troubled all of us at one time or other. we all know it is not good to be jealous as it does not help anybody and can seriously damage the relationship. but once the emotion of jealousy starts overpowering us then its difficult to stop it. jealousy is one of […]
How to remove negative emotions | Removing negative feelings
negative emotions could be of yours or you could have picked them from a friend or from a place. if negative emotions or energy which you are experiencing is not yours then its best to remove them. but if negative emotions are yours then its worth while to pay attention to them and understand them […]
Why you should not take revenge | Futility of taking revenge
everyone gets cheated in life. no one is an exception to it. if a stranger cheats you then it is still easy to forgive but when someone you love or trust cheats you then it hurts more. because he betrays your trust and love as well. at times the feeling of getting cheated is so […]
How to listen to your inner voice and act on it
inner voice is your best friend and it always guides you to the right path. it is said that god cannot be everywhere thats why he made mother. similarly on the spiritual path you cannot always meet the right guru. thats why there is a inner voice in all of us. inner voice guides us […]
How to deal with inferiority complex and superiority complex
most people either have inferiority complex or superiority complex. either they underestimate themselves and suffer from inferiority complex or they over estimate themselves and have superiority complex. most people life fluctuate in these two categories. before i give further gyan (knowledge), i must confess that i also face these emotions !!! its very rare to find someone […]