advanced meditators can meditate any where and at any time. for them anything can be a meditation practice. e.g. they can eat food mindfully or they can using listening as meditation and so on. but for beginners in meditation, they need support to deepen their meditation practice and then only they can bring meditation in their […]
Why childhood is the best time to learn meditation
Children can learn things quickly. They are so overflowing with energy and the zest to know things that they master any art form easily. Thats why they easily learn new languages and skills. Meditation also comes easily to children. Because they are innocent and their mind is fresh. Its like a black slate where nothing is written yet. […]
Should you practice yoga and meditation together?
In true sense, both Yoga and Meditation are doorway to divine and can lead to self realization. Thousands of people have become enlightened following either yoga or meditation. There is nothing lacking in any of the system. Yoga is a step by step guide to awaken your true potential. When we talk about 8 limbs […]
Be a watcher and not a controller of mind in meditation practice
One of the mistake i have made in meditation practice is to put effort to be in control of things. When i used to sit for meditation practice then i used to have the idea that my mind should be without thoughts. My thoughts should slow down quickly, so that i could feel the bliss […]
Seeing as meditation practice | How to see things meditatively
There are many meditation techniques to reach to the state of meditation. You can move towards meditation from any direction. The direction is not important, what really matters is that you should reach to the state of inner silence and stillness. You can use any faculty to go deep in meditation like listening, talking, touch, […]
how to slow down the mind with meditation
to slow down your mind you need to do absolutely ‘nothing‘. if you try to do something to slow down the mind then it will become more active. on the contrary if you just watch your mind passively without trying to stop it, then it will slow down on its own. mind needs your cooperation […]