Lord Ganesha or Ganpati is one of the most popular Hindu gods. He is worshiped almost all over India and his blessings are taken before starting any auspicious work. Ganesh ji is also known for removing obstacles from life. Ganesha also bestows material prosperity and wisdom on his devotees. Many devotees keep Lord Ganesha’s statue at […]
How to use Shavasana for Meditation and Spirituality
Shavasana is one of the most important yet taken for granted yoga asana. Many people consider Shavasana the most easiest yoga asana because they think you don’t have to do anything in this asana except lying down. No wonder many people often fell asleep while practicing Shavasana. Shavasana is not just about relaxing down your […]
How to be total in life | Totality in daily activities of life
Totality is the key which can open the lock of success in any area. It works in spiritual dimension as well as in the materialistic world. If you are total and passionate about your work then it just multiplies your chances of success. One of the most important and revered books of Hindus is Ramayana […]
5 Reasons you can have encounter with ghosts and spirits
Nature is our mother and it never means any harm for us. So it has already made mechanism to protect us from certain things. E.g. we don’t remember our past life for our own good. Similarly ghost exist but not in our dimension. So that minimizes the chances of having an encounter with them. But […]
Why sitting silently and doing nothing is not an easy spiritual practice
“Sitting quietly, Doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself” – Basho (Zen Master) We cannot sit ideal for a second. Sitting silently and doing nothing is the most difficult of spiritual practice. Although it looks easy to practice this, but it is not. At least not for me. You can give yourself […]
What is the real money which you should earn in this life
Its the materialistic time. Most people are after money, power, fame or after some other gain. In Hinduism we call the current age as ‘kali yuga’. According to hindus, Kali yuga is the time when moral values will decline and people will give more importance to making money than to live an ethical life. This is the period […]