reading a spiritual book for bringing transformation inside you is an art which is getting lost in current time. it is an old tradition to select one holy book and read it every day specially during early morning hours. religious people used to select bhagavad gita or ramayan or any other holy text and used […]
How to be total in spirituality and in spiritual journey
Totality is the key to success in any field. Whether you are living in the materialistic world or a spiritual sadhak, you need to be total in your work to achieve success. In spiritual world whenever you are total, you are one from within as well as you are in the present moment. Being total […]
Why you should take care of your body while on spiritual path
body is many times condemned in a subtle way and is not given due respect. among many spiritual seekers there is a subtle condemnation for the body. they don’t take good care of it. the attitude is that the body is mortal and is going to die one day, so why bother so much about […]
World of psychic energy and how it affects you in life
the world of psychic energy and thoughts have their own reality. whatever people think about you makes a difference in your life. the difference could be small or big depending upon the intensity and amount of energy you receive. some people are very vulnerable to evil eye. they catch the negativity from other people very easily. […]
5 things to learn from time | spiritual lessons from time
time, death and karma are three things which balances everything in life. these three fair parameters are applied to everybody without any discrimination. they are the three great judges of the world. thank god, you cannot bribe them or postpone their effects. otherwise the divine justice would also have got corrupted in this kali yuga. in sanskrit […]
7 things to learn from nature | spiritual lessons from nature
nature is the best teacher. it is said that if you don’t have a guru then learn from nature. lord dattatreya who is considered as first guru or reincarnation of brahma, vishnu and mahesh (holy trinity in hindus) learned from 24 gurus. you will be surprised to know who were these 24 gurus of lord dattatreya. they […]