edgar cayce is one of the most popular and most documented psychic of 20th century.
edgar cayce answered questions on variety of topics like healing, healing, philosophy, reincarnation, dreams interpretation, psychic phenomena, spiritual growth, meditation, prayer. wars, atlantis and future events while in a trance like state (or in an unconsciousness state).
while in the trance like state, edgar cayce diagnosed illnesses, told the karmic or other reason for the disease and what is the solution for it. at times he gave prescription of medicines which are yet to be invented. because of his many successful prediction on medical cases and also for relating them with past birth events, he came to be known as “sleeping prophet” or the “father of holistic medicine“. edgar cayce readings also related the past birth events with the present suffering. not all his predictions came true but most of them were correct.
many people consider him as a mystic. his readings brought peace and light into many lives. few of his famous clients were woodrow wilson, thomas edison and irving berlin. many books are published on his life and readings like “many mansions”. the only biography written during his lifetime was “there is a river”, by thomas joseph sugrue.
edgar cayce quotes
- keep your promise to your maker.
- love the lord better than self!
- the sin of man is his desire for self-gratification.
- through experience is wisdom gained.
- do not belittle or condemn self.
- know that all healing forces are within, not without! the applications from without are merely to create within a coordinating mental and spiritual force.
- hate and animosity and hard sayings create poisons in the body.
- forget the financial angle and consider rather which is the best outlet for the greatest contribution you can make towards making the world a better place in which to live. efforts should never be expended purely for mercenary reasons. pecuniary gains should come as a result of the entity’s using his abilities in the direction of being helpful.
- for he hath chosen each of you as a messenger to someone. fail him not.
- while all may not be as prophets or as preachers, neither may all stand in the halls of learning as directors of men, know that you each have your part to do.
- man alone is given the birthright of free will. he alone may defy his god!
- encourage those who are disturbed. give strength and aid to those who falter. it isn’t those who have attained that need thy counsel, but those who falter and fear.