we all want to be a special person
who is admired and loved by all
but very few people are treated as special person
whats the reason?
learn how to become a special person:
you want to know, how can you also be a special person ???
there is no need to know or do anything to become a special person
just thank the god or thank your stars
everyone is a special person in the eye of god
and thats how he has made all of us… special and unique
everyone of us is a unique and is a being of light
which is nicely crafted by god with his love and compassion
but the problem is that you are not recognizing the light within you
and you are trying to change yourself as per the expectation of others.
you change your original style to meet the acceptability in society
and spoil the image which god has created for you.
if you are just yourself
if you are not imitating anyone
then you are a special person in your own right
just be careful about wrong advises and people opinion
no need to go with the opinion of the normal public
instead go with the flow of your inner voice
always make it a point to listen to your inner voice
and here one should be clear about the voice of mind and the voice of soul
if you listen to your mind then you will get corrupt.
so learn to stay in tune with your soul.
just be yourself
just relax and go into nature retreat
go to beach, riverside or sit under stars and trees
listen to the sound of birds and running water
try some meditation, massage or yoga
so that you have inner clarity and there is less confusion inside.
less is the confusion or thoughts in the mind,
more clearly you can listen the inner voice of soul.
and you will find that by just relaxing
you experience so much peace and contentment
which you never get by becoming somebody else
if you are trying to imitate some celebrity
then there is always a tension within you
as in each moment you have to put effort
to be somebody which you are not
whereas if you are just yourself
then you don’t need to do anything or chase anything
you are simply yourself
in the end, you just have to be yourself to be special
and thats how god wants you to be
if you think that something is wrong in you
then you are doubting the gods creation