inner voice is your best friend and it always guides you to the right path. it is said that god cannot be everywhere thats why he made mother. similarly on the spiritual path you cannot always meet the right guru. thats why there is a inner voice in all of us.
inner voice guides us on the correct path and is your inner guru. in religious circle, it is said that the job of outer guru is to make you familiar with your inner guru that is your inner voice. because it always stays with you. so best form of help which you can always get is from your inner voice. so always nourish it and give it more importance than the voice of ego or mind.
how to listen to your inner voice:
1. listening to inner voice brings harmony inside you. if you follow your inner voice then there will not be any conflict inside you. you will immediately feel at ease or relax from within. you won’t feel that you have done something wrong or made a wrong mistake or you have killed your soul. so close your eyes and choose something and then feel does this choice gives peace to your soul, if yes, then it is your inner voice.
2. always listen to your inner voice to make it strong. whenever you are about to make any wrong decision then your inner voice always warns you. many times we ignore the inner voice because it is very subtle. but its not so subtle that we don’t know that we are doing wrong. so one of the most important aspect in listening to your inner voice is the firm resolve that i will always do the right thing, will live a righteous life and will walk on path of dharma. if you are really firm in living a honest life then chances are very less that you will ignore your inner voice. the more you listen to your inner voice the more audible and strong it becomes. the more you suppress your inner voice, the more subtle and weak it will become.
3. inner voice is not always logical. inner voice can come in the form of intuition, hunch or a strong inner feeling or instinct. whenever your intuition is telling something then pay attention to it. it might be illogical but still don’t ignore it. it is illogical to your mind but your mind does not know everything. so learn to trust the illogical side of life that is intuition. because intuition is illogical and it is like knowing future in the present moment. now how can you know future because it has not happened?
4. inner voice can be rebellious. your mind always like to walk on the known path. it does not like to go into unknown territories. it avoids taking risk. on the other hand, inner voice can ask you to make bold decisions at times, because that could be the right decision in that moment.
5. practice mindfulness and being in the moment. whenever you are totally present in the moment or here-now, then you are more in touch with the inner voice and the reality. so when you have to make a crucial decision then first thing you should do is to relax and bring your attention to the present moment. don’t make any decision in hurry. because if you are hurrying then in most instances you are listening to your mind. always make decision when you are totally centered from within. also remember that the correct decision will always make you more relaxed and will bring peace and harmony inside you.
in the end, i would repeat again that listening to inner voice will always bring peace and harmony inside you. there won’t be any conflict inside you and you won’t feel that you have killed your soul. always give more importance to following inner voice because in long term you will have a peaceful sleep and regret-free life.