how to witness emotions or feelings
witnessing emotions is not easy for beginners and it becomes very difficult for them to witness emotions and stay detached. but with proper guidance and practice, one can easily stay detached and not get affected by any emotions.
in this post, i will share few tips which will be help you to witness your emotions easily:
1. before stating witnessing emotions, one should be able to witness the thoughts easily. the reason being, emotions are composed of many thoughts of similar type. so if you can witness thoughts easily, then you would be able to witness emotions also.
2. so the first step is to become aware of your thoughts all the time. keep on witnessing your thoughts without getting attached and this will develop your witnessing center and you will also learn the knack of witnessing. if you can witness thoughts easily then the next step of watching emotions becomes easier.
3. for a meditator, it is very important to be aware of his thoughts and emotions all day along. one should not set separate time for meditation. it is only recommended for beginners to set one hour separately for meditation. but as when matures in meditation then one should bring this meditative quality in day to day actions. so try to be aware of your thoughts and emotions all the time.
4. in a day, we go through many types of emotions. when one type of emotion is coming to an end and another emotion is starting… and during this transition phase, if you become aware then it will be easier for you to see the whole progress of your emotion and witness it. thats why, i insist that to watch emotions, it is important to be aware all the time.
5. another important point is that we only want to watch negative or pleasurable emotions. whenever we get a tide of happy emotion then most of us get involve in it. if you want to go deep in meditation then you have to watch all type of emotions without any attachment. be a witness to happy as well as sad emotions. if you do this then only your meditation will go deep. all emotions should be witnessed by you and remember most of the time, it is going to be the happy emotions which will make you forget your witnessing center.
6. practice makes a men perfect. persist with your meditation and give it the top priority in your life. although this may make your suffer/lose in other areas of your life but you will go deep in meditation. as a basic rule of life, whatever area of your life you want to develop, give your all energy to it and assign the highest priority to that aspect of life. if you really want to witness emotions or go deep in meditation then meditation should be the first priority in your life.
7. be sincere in your meditation as well as in your life. if you cheat anybody then you are simply cheating yourself. remember, if you are not sincere in life then you cannot be sincere in meditation also.
8. be total in meditation. that is don’t hold anything back. give it your totality and rest all will follow through. never postpone meditation or doing any good deed.
bonus tip: remember whenever you move in a positive direction or on the path of meditation then many good souls try to help you. so never feel that you are alone and won’t be able to make it. do you part sincerely and rest will follow through. all the best.