Laughter is one of the best medicine. It unburdens you, makes you relaxed and brings you to the present moment. No wonder, laughter therapy is getting popular. Nowadays you can easily see group of elderly people practicing laughter therapy in parks as a part of their early morning exercise.
Laughter is therapeutic and has healing qualities. Its very important to laugh in modern lifestyle which is filled with deadlines, stress and competition. There are some qualities which are very essential in modern times like the ability to laugh, to cry, to forgive oneself and others and being creative in your work.
If people are more loving, forgiving, happy and joyous then there will be less wars, fights, jealousy and competition in the society. Laughter and tears are one of the best medicines for emotional well being. So Don’t miss them. In fact, many spiritual gurus like Zen Master Hotei (Laughing Buddha), Osho, Mulla Nasruddin, Jaggi Vasudev have given emphasis to laughter as a part of spiritual practice. Many zen monks start their day with a good laughter. So try to include laughter in your daily life with these simple tips.
How to use laughter to improve your life:
1. Don’t be shy to laugh:
Whenever you get a chance to laugh then don’t suppress it. I know society does not like people laughing too much at times. But if you want to feel good from within then have a good laughter provided it does not harm anybody. I mean laughing at someone expense is not good. But if you are not hurting anyone feelings then don’t be shy to laugh.
2. Make laughter a part of your life:
There are many occasions in day when you can laugh. e.g. you can start your day with a laughter like zen monks or you can go to bed after practicing laughter yoga for few minutes. During the day time also, whenever you are getting angry then you can choose to laugh instead of spoiling your mood by getting angry.
Although you don’t need an excuse to laugh, but if you want then you can any time watch comedy movies or read cartoon books. You can always choose to spend time with people who loves to crack jokes or know how to laugh and celebrate life. When you love with friends then it multiplies.
3. Laughter as a spiritual practice:
Laughter and Tears are often suppressed. We should learn to laugh totally. When you laugh totally then you come back to the present moment. As a spiritual practice, your laughter should be so deep that you should lose yourself in the laughter. Which means your laughter is so total that your ego has disappeared in the act. So when no one is watching you and you have the space then laugh like a mad man. It will really heal you from within and will make you more sane, whole and a balanced person. A good laughter can easily give you the experience of no-mind. In a good laughter mind stops for some seconds and you get a window or breathing space to think clearly and have a fresh look at things.
Benefits of Laughter – It gives you a sense of clarity and makes you light hearted. Otherwise in today’s hectic lifestyle its very easy to get lost in worries or in negative thinking. It gives you positive attitude towards life. Laughter is the best medicine to keep you balanced, relaxed and positive. It also improves your sense of well being and gives many health benefits like lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, improving cardiac health, increasing immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies.
So learn to smile and laugh.
Learn to let go
Accept things as they are.
and your life will be more pleasant.