![Signs you live in a haunted house | Living in a haunted home](https://www.thespiritualindian.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/living-in-a-haunted-house.jpg)
staying in a haunted house could be one of the worst experience in your life. because the trapped entity can damage your life at many levels and dimensions. it could not only affect you financially but emotionally, psychologically and health wise also.
you might lose your friends and mental balance. you might run out of luck in every day life. in fact staying in a haunted house is a sign that your bad luck had brought you there.
remember, every piece of land and house has a history. if you plan to move into a new house then always put effort to know the history of the house.
1. try to find facts like who was living there before.
2. did they prospered in this house?
3. did anybody fell seriously sick in the house or has anyone died there after prolong sickness? or sudden death in an accident?
4. any accident or serious problem with the house.
remember, not every entity is dangerous. sometimes they don’t want to harm you. they just want to co-exist with you in the house. because we live in different dimensions. so at times, they won’t try to make their presence felt. at the end, respect their space and territory. never mess up with them.
also read – yes, ghost exists but in different dimension.
signs you live in a haunted house:
1. always trust your gut feeling or inner voice
your eyes cannot see things which your heart can feel. your soul knows much more than your mind. if your inner voice says that something is wrong in the house then listen to it. avoid moving into that house.
2. bad dreams or insomnia
your quality of sleep has deteriorated badly after moving into the house. you get weird or strange dreams which are not related with your life. you at times see dead people in your dreams.
3. strange noises in the house
you hear sounds as if someone is talking but it is barely audible. these strange noises could be because of door closing or falling down of objects etc. if these types of weird or not so common noises are frequent then it is a sign of something paranormal. but once in a while such noise are common and can happen in a normal house also. so pay attention if the weird noises are consistently coming.
4. you feel the invisible presence
you feel as if someone is standing behind you or following you. if you are sensitive then you will feel the presence very clearly. you can also feel that someone invisible has touched your body.
5. someone watching you
you get this gut feeling that someone is watching you. you don’t feel alone despite the fact that you are all alone in the house. you might feel that someone invisible is hearing your conversation.
6. things starts misplacing in the house
you might lose some valuable items like jewellery. or if you kept something at one place then you might find it somewhere also.
7. torn clothes
you find your clothes torn at times as if someone has cut them. this is a sign of black magic also.
8. bad fortune
although it can happen at any house. but in a haunted house you will not be able to prosper. you might lose opportunities which you should have.
9. accidents after moving into the house
you can have accidents like small fire, or break down of electrical appliances or injury to the body.
10. pets behaving weirdly
if you have a pet dog or a cat then they are showing weird behavior in the house. they are getting scared or acting weirdly for no reason at all.
11. no peace of mind
you have lost your inner balance, peace and the night sleep. there is no harmony inside you.
12. relationships getting sour
you end up fighting with your friends and loved ones for no reason at all. people have started avoiding you or ignoring you. or they find something spooky or strange in you or in your home.
13. sudden and strong emotional outbursts
your emotional outbursts are sudden and very extreme. e.g. if you get angry then it is like getting hyper angry. there is no balance in your response to situations. you are losing your power of discrimination.
14. house has a history of accidents
you have moved into the house where some accident or death has happened. someone was tortured in the house. the history of the house is not pleasant.
15. moving into an old villa
if you have moved into an old villa or house where people have stayed for generations. then be extra careful. because you are becoming part of the family energy and history. find out about the family history.
in these matters, the best judge is your inner voice.