as far understanding of people spending habits are concerned. i was always at loss. because i could never understood why people spend so much money on entertainment, clothes and luxury and not on good books or in self development courses or in attending meditation camps.
i have many friends who easily spend 1000 Rs for a 3 hour movie show without any guilt. but they will not buy a good book worth 250 Rs. yes, at the same time they don’t mind reading the book if someone lends them the book.
during my young days, i used to wonder why they behave like this. because a good book stays with you for lifetime. you learn from it and grow inwardly. whereas the movie show will get over within 3 hour. or your expensive jeans or shirt will last for 1-2 year time. so why don’t you spend money on books or on meditation camp which can bring lasting change in you.
personally, i was always a book lover. i don’t mean the books prescribed in college syllabus. but books on self development, meditation, occult, religion or motivational books. or any book which helps me to become a better person.
i have always given more importance to buying good books no matter how expensive they are. on the other hand, i was always a miser as far as clothes, movies and parties are concerned.
as the time passed, i realized people have different priorities in life. some people want to enjoy life. some people want to make it big in life and some people want to grow inwardly and become a more mature person. so everyone spend their money as per their priorities. when this realization sink more deeper in me, i became more at ease with the way things are. i stopped pestering my friends to spend money on books !!!. i let them the way they are.
moreover as i studied astrology, i learnt that people think and behave differently because of the influence of planetary position in their horoscope. people with strong venus in their horoscope will bound to be attracted to luxurious lifestyle like movies, cinema, good clothes, perfume and so on. whereas people with strong jupiter will go for dharma, religion, wisdom, meditation, charity and so on.
so i realized that its no point in judging people and their spending habits. we all are unique and are different from each other. its better to focus your energy in your inner growth or in realizing your goals. no point interfering in other people life or at the same time getting influenced with their thinking. do what is right for you and aligns with your inner voice. always listen to your intuition than to what other say.
in the end, you don’t have to be a part of the crowd and do the same thing as what others are doing.