truth is universal. it does not need anybody support. it is always victorious in the end. people version of truth differs because they just speak their opinion. but the real truth is not dependent upon people opinion or on time or any other factor. truth does not need anybody support to prove itself. it is self evident.
to know truth, one has to drop all the belief systems and look at the situation without any partiality or judgement. to find truth, do not bring your mind in between. just see at the situation without bringing your conditioning and you will be more closer to the truth.
your conditioning and judgement always blurs your thinking. you distort the truth by bringing your opinion in between. truth needs a very impartial look.
51 quotes on truth by spiritual teachers:
- you cannot find truth through anybody else. – jiddu krishnamurti
- the truth cannot be conveyed, but the thirst can be given. – osho
- there’s courage involved if you want to become truth. – jalaluddin rumi
- the flute of the infinite is played without ceasing,
and its sound is love:
when love renounces all limits, it reaches truth.
how widely the fragrance spreads!
it has no end, nothing stands in its way. – saint kabir - truth is so great a perfection, that if god would render himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul. – pythagoras
- all truth is eternal. truth is nobody’s property; no race, no individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. truth is the nature of all souls. – swami vivekananda
- the barrier to a totally clear view of truth is the ego. – paul brunton
- when it comes to deciding between your love and your truth, truth has to be the decisive factor. – osho
- to accept some idea of truth without experiencing it is like a painting of a cake on paper which you cannot eat. – shunryu suzuki
- truth can only come to the mind that is empty of the known. it comes in a state in which the known is absent, not functioning. the mind is the warehouse of the known, the residue of the known; for the mind to be in that state in which the unknown comes into being, it must be aware of itself, of its previous experiences, the conscious as well as the unconscious, of its responses, reactions, and structure. – jiddu krishnamurti
- truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. society has to pay homage to truth or die. – swami vivekananda
- to discover truth is arduous, it needs a long pilgrimage. it needs a great emptying of the mind, it needs a great cleansing of the heart. it needs a certain innocence, a rebirth: you have to become a child again. – osho
- a man who is protecting himself constantly through knowledge is obviously not a truth- seeker. – jiddu krishnamurti
- one who leans on others cannot serve the god of truth. – swami vivekananda
- wisdom consist in speaking and acting the truth. – heraclitus
- the lord is truth. truth is his name. his praises are sung in endless ways. – guru nanak dev
- truth is immediate, radiant, herenow. it is not that truth has to be discovered — only you have to become aware. truth is already here. – osho
- the truth is that never for a moment are we really separate from our inner self. – paul brunton
- it is only when the mind is free from idea that there can be experiencing. ideas are not truth; and truth is something that must be experienced directly, from moment to moment. it is not an experience which you want—which is then merely sensation. only when one can go beyond the bundle of ideas—which is the “me,” which is the mind, which has a partial or complete continuity only when one can go beyond that, when thought is completely silent, is there a state of experiencing. then one shall know what truth is. – jiddu krishnamurti
- the infinite truth latent in everything reveals itself only when life is accepted in its totality. – meher baba
- pray all the time, read all the scriptures in the world, and worship all the gods there are …but unless you realize the truth, there is no freedom. – swami vivekananda
- learn to live a true life and you will know the truth. – hazrat inayat khan
- there is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself…. burst your own cocoon and come out aw the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. then alone you will see truth. – swami vivekananda
- meditation brings you to the final peak of consciousness — that is chit, exactly in the middle. on one side is truth; on another side is bliss. as meditation flowers, you find that on one hand truth has revealed to you all its mysteries and on the other blissfulness is showering all its treasures on you. – osho
- as long as man remains ignorant of his divine self he may as well be a stone; a man lives and a stone exists, and both remain equally ignorant of the truth. as kabir says, while man cannot achieve truth he is no better than a stone. – meher baba
- truth alone can succeed; falsehood is a waste of time and loss of energy. – inayat khan
- true bliss can come only to one who would take courage in his hands, and become free of all attachment to forms which are nothing but the illusions of duality. only then can he get united with his true beloved, who is god the eternal and the abiding truth within all forms, including his own body. – meher baba
- once we are determined to search for the truth through purified thoughts, speech, and actions, we are certain to find the way and reach the goal. truth itself becomes our guide, and without making a mistake we will find ourselves on the right path. – swami rama
- when the god-man speaks, truth is more powerfully manifested than when he uses either sight or touch to convey it. for that reason avatars usually observe a period of silence lasting for several years, breaking it to speak only when they wish to manifest the divine will, and world-wide transformation of consciousness then takes place. – meher baba
- the inquiry into truth begins only when you drop all believing. you say, “i would like to encounter the truth on my own. i will not believe in christ and i will not believe in buddha. i would like to become a christ or a buddha myself, i would like to be a light unto myself.” . – osho
- the silence which i have been observing for the past thirty-one years is a call from the silence of unfathomable divinity. invite that divinity into your hearts so that you may become permanently established in the immortality of universal life, which is vastly different from the persistence of limited individual life. the ego life has a beginning and an end; the truth which i bring is beginningless and endless. in order to inherit that truth you need the courage to jump across the abyss of duality. – meher baba
- i tell you the truth: there is nothing wrong in your being in the world. but you must direct your mind toward god; otherwise you will not succeed. do your duty with one hand and with the other hold to god. after the duty is over, you will hold to god with both hands. – sri ramakrishna paramhansa
- divine love makes us true to ourselves and to others. . . divine love is the solution to our difficulties and problems. it frees us from every kind of binding. it makes us speak truly, think truly, and act truly. it makes us feel one with the whole universe. divine love purifies our hearts and glorifies our being. – meher baba
- when youth is gone, where is lust and its play? where is the lake when its waters have dried up? where are the kinsfolk when riches are gone ? when truth is realised, where is the snare of samsara(world)? – adi shankara
- spiritual truth passes more easily into a mind emptied of its thoughts, its cares, its desires. – paul brunton
- prosperity departs from the home of one who tells a lie on oath and he is soon ruined. – khwaja moinuddin chisti
- be a blazing fire of truth,
be a beauteous blossom of love
and be a soothing balm of peace. – khwaja moinuddin chisti - the source of truth is within man; he himself is the object of his realization. – inayat khan
- the tangle of words is a great forest which leads the mind off wandering about, so wise men should strive to get to know the truth about their own nature. – adi shankara
- crazy man ! why do you worry so much about your wife and property? why don’t you seek out the truth ? know that in these three worlds it is only the association with the good and holy that can help you in crossing safely the ocean of life. – adi shankara
- the absurd is the essential concept and the first truth. – albert camus
- if it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it. – marcus aurelius
- everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. – marcus aurelius
- time discovers truth. – seneca
- he who listens to truth is not less than he who utters truth. – kahlil gibran
- if someone is able to show me that what i think or do is not right, i will happily change, for i seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. it is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed. – marcus aurelius
- the mind will go on having doubts and asking questions, making problems for itself and creating illusions, as it has always done in the past. that is, it will do so until it attains truth, or abides in the stillness. – paul brunton
- meditation is the understanding of the nature of life with its dual activity, its conflict; seeing the true significance and truth of it, so that the mind though it has been conditioned for thousands of years, living in conflict, in struggle, in battle becomes clear, without distortion. the mind sees that distortion must take place when it follows an ideology, the idea of what should be as opposed to what is, hence a duality, a conflict, a contradiction and so a mind that is tortured, distorted, perverted. – jiddu krishnamurti
- truth is destroyed by making an idea of it. thought embalms the truth in time to keep it dead. this way the intellect can use truth easily and conveniently whenever needed — to fulfill the vested interest of the ego. be aware of the idea, the thought or concept. thought is the slayer of truth. memory is a barrier to the timeless. – dada gavand
- all the disharmony of the world caused by religious differences is the result of man’s failure to understand that religion is one, truth is one, god is one; how can there be two religions? – hazrat inayat khan
- you are the builder of your future, the creator of your destiny. therefore, do not swerve from the path of truth! – dada vaswani