not everyone is fortunate to get work of his liking. many of us end up doing work which we don’t like.
this does not mean that something is always wrong with the job. many times it could be because of our wrong attitude towards the work. i have seen many people who keep on changing jobs but never find job of their liking. so one should not always blame the job. instead first do self-introspection and try to make the same job interesting.
since you spend one third of your day time in office then enjoying your work life is very important. so best to choose the work which you love. because there are more chances of giving your best and excelling in the field of your liking. its very difficult to enjoy something which is forced on you. so there is not much you can do to enjoy the work, which is not of your liking. the best thing in that case is to make a plan, so that after few years you can move to job of your choice. setting a deadline for changing the job will make you comfortable.
8 tips to enjoy your work life:
1. respect your work – its a different matter that you don’t like the job but you cannot forget that your job is giving you money which is making your house run. just think about a mother who cooks food everyday for his family. she also has the right to get bored. she does get bored at times but she still cook food lovingly. because she wants to give good food to her husband and children. so respect the money howsoever small it may be. secondly, you should always take pride in your work. don’t do a shabby job. take little extra time and do a good job.
2. be creative – find ways to do the same thing creatively. find purpose in your job. same thing can be done monotonously or with innovation. find out how you can make you job more interesting and less repetitive. best people to learn creativity is from children. ask yourself how to make your work more creative.
3. look at the bigger picture – you must have heard this story. two people were cutting stones which were going to be used for the construction of a temple. when asked what they are doing then the first person replied “i am cutting stones”. when asked the same question from second person, he said “i am making a temple”. so the same job can have different meaning for different people. it all depends upon your perception. so always look at the bigger picture and see how your work can make a difference in people life. always be ethical in your work life. give more importance to doing a good job than to earn quick bucks. do something about which you will proud of.
4. be total in your work – when you are total in your work then it always refreshes you. when the person is total in his work then he forget about everything else and he gives his 100 percent to the task. the very quality of totality makes you feel good from within. its a spiritual quality and kind of meditation in itself.
5. take interest in your job – find more about your work and the possibilities. think, how you can do the same job in a better way. when you take interest in your job then you can improvise many things and this will bring sense of fulfillment and purpose in your job.
6. acceptance – when you accept things as they are, then you don’t crib about them. you become at ease and it does not trouble you any more. try to be creative about the tasks where you can and about the boring tasks you can’t do anything, just accept them.
7. take a break – any job will become boring if you don’t take a break. so always take rest and don’t burn yourself by doing too much work. its good to take small breaks every day. it recharges you and give rest to your mind.
8. positivity – do things which gives you a positive attitude towards your job.
a) find things which you don’t like in your current job and then do something about them.
b) declutter your office space. keep it arrange and aesthetic.
c) keep a photograph of your loved ones or someone who inspires you.
d) have a look at your office design. see if you need to resdesign or rearrange your office space.
e) entertainment – make your office environment light and refreshing. play some soothing and instrumental music. laugh more and don’t be serious all the time. in short, take things lightly.