while on the spiritual path you will often come across fake gurus. fake gurus mushroom every where at all places and at all times.
some of them might be very sweet people, some must have attained to some degree of inner centering. but that does not absolve them of their lie. because they are not enlightened but are pretending to be enlightened. one should be honest and not fake the spiritual state. because by doing so they can really harm or spoil the spiritual progress of many aspirants.
also check – how to know a fake guru.
8 lessons to learn from fake gurus:
1. stay identified with your money !!!
don’t open the strings of your purse so easily. because the real master is not interested in your money but in your inner growth. so if you see that the guru is giving undue attention and importance to people because of their money, social status or fame then be on guard. real guru is never greedy for money.
2. its not worth the effort you put to become a fake guru
because all the time you have to fake gurudom. you cannot be yourself. you need approval and acceptance from your disciples. so the life of fake guru looks good but deep down they cannot be at ease. because every moment of their life, they know they are cheating people.
3. listen to your inner voice
no one can fool you unless you ignore your inner voice. no matter how small or subtle it is, pay attention to it. some amount of responsibility also goes to you for getting cheated. however if you are a very innocent and trusting person then 100% blame goes to fake guru. because fake gurus make use of your innocence and trust.
4. don’t lie
while on spiritual path, if you become good in lies then one day you can become a fake guru or good in faking anything. so beware of lying unless it helps someone. also remember that no excuse should become means to fulfill your ego or to lead you to fake gurudom.
5. don’t get exploited in relationship
raise your voice whenever you feel something is wrong. this is equally applicable in all relationships. walk out of any relationship if it turns exploiting or unfair. always speak for your rights.
6. don’t look for quick gains in spirituality
many fake gurus promise shaktipath or quick spiritual progress. but in spirituality no one can walk on your behalf. there is no shortcut in spirituality. you have to walk on your path. avoid those gurus who offer quick results because their are none.
7. learning to forgive yourself and moving on
the hypnosis around fake gurus is such that you do not know that the other person or guru is cheating you. its very difficult to come out of the trap. because everyone in the group is giving lot of reverence to the fake guru. so once you realize that the guru you are following is fake then don’t waste any more time with him. just forgive yourself, let go and walk out of the guru-disciple relationship. remember that there are still many people who are trusting blindly in that fake guru. best is to learn from the experience, forgive yourself and keep on walking on the path. no matter what happens, always keep on growing inwardly. don’t stop any where.
8. don’t go by mass mentality
the number of followers is not related with enlightenment. if some guru has a big following then it does not mean that he has reached. a genuine guru may have few disciples or may have hundreds of disciples or even lakhs of disciples. the number of following has nothing to do with guru authenticity.