the concept of law of karma is very intrinsic to sanatan dharma (hinduism). the working of law of karma is very complex and very difficult to understand for a common men. i don’t think i know how law of karma works exactly. i am just sharing my little understanding on it.
in simplest words law of karma means every action has equal and opposite reaction.
but in reality (or according to my little understanding) law of karma means every action has equal and opposite reaction plus much more (choice). do pay attention to this “much more” which i will explain in this post later on.
according to law of karma if you do good deeds then you will get good results. but if you do bad karmas then your returns will also be bad. whatever you sow you will reap. no body is abstain from this rule and not even gods. law of karma is even applicable to siddhas or enlightened beings but they remain unaffected by it because they use their choice to respond to karmic conditions.
timing of karma can not be decided. only thing that is sure is that karma will come back to you sooner or later. for some people karma will catch up immediately, but for some it will take more time to catch up and for some it can take more than one life time also. it all depends upon your previous karmas. because if in your past you have done lot of good karma and then suddenly you do one bad karma. then the force of good karmas might shield you from facing the bad karma in immediate future or it might not. both things are possible. because many permutation and combination are possible. e.g. your good karmas are so good and are forcing you in direction of maturity then you might face the result of one negative karma immediately and might learn from it. so it becomes a gain with little pain. is not it?.
there are many possibilities so nothing can be said about timing or nothing can be said when you will get returns for your karma. so if you are doing good karmas then have patience. you will get your due when it is right for you. don’t lose hope. there is justice in life. justice is another name of law of karma. lord krishna also says “do good karma and leave the results on to me. doing karma is in your hands but the results are not in your hand”.
karma will come back to you but choice is always yours on how to face it. now i am discussing the ‘much more choice‘ part. if your consciousness is very high then no mental and emotional trouble can affect you. e.g. you have done any negative karma in your past life but in this present life because of intense meditation you have become very evolved then the effect of that negative karma will definitely bring some emotional turmoil in your life. but using your detached consciousness you can remain unaffected by it. so the choice is always yours on how to respond to situations produced by your bad karmas.
also remember that any action in which your ego gets involve produces karma. to come out from this cycle of life and death you should stop generating karmas and burn all your previous karmas by facing them in a detached manner. don’t get identified with your karma. don’t bring your ego or ‘I’ factor while doing actions. this is also said by lord krishna in bhagavad gita.
in sum total. don’t do negative karma because you will have to face them one day.
stay detached while doing your daily activities so that you don’t generate more karma.
raise your consciousness and let go of any instance of taking revenge or balancing scores with others.
karma is energy which shapes your life and destiny.
it decides which family you will be born. how much health, wealth, prospertity or misery you will have.
so be very careful while creating karmas because you are creating your own future.
wish you all a satvik future full of dharma.