we all admire genius people and deep down we all like to be genius in something. everybody has the seed to become a genius but most people live such a scattered life that they dissipate their energies in pursuing too many things.
the flower of genius blossoms once in a while among us. because it needs a gardener who can give his total energy to it. gardener has to be crazy enough to forget rest of the world and just focus on the growth of one flower.
how to become genius in your field:
1. persistence – just as rome was not build in a day. similarly nobody becomes a genius in one life time. someone whom you admire today as a genius was just like you few lifetimes back. but he persisted and followed the same field for a number of lifetimes. thus he sharpened his skills with each life time. so persistence is one of the key factor in becoming a genius. never give up and never change your field.
2. passion – you must be passionate about your field. because many times you will feel lost. you may not see any visible progress or you may lose all interest and feel boredom. so there is always a tendency to give up and try some other profession. but genius is someone who persist and never gives up. he faces challenges, obstructions and boredom to continue in his field. he persist despite all opposition because he is passionate about his field. so always choose the field about which you are passionate. because your energies are naturally moving in that direction.
3. trust yourself and your gut feeling – remember, genius is never part of crowd. he is someone who trust himself, he trust his ideas and his gut feeling. so never be scared to say and do what you feel from within. always follow the voice of your soul. it needs courage to stand separate from crowd and do what you feel is right.
4. patience – nature takes its own sweet time to reward you for your persistence, passion and creativity. so never lose hope. have trust on god. he is waiting for the right moment to reward you. he is waiting for you to become ripe to receive the fruit of your hard work. so never be in a hurry.
5. totality – one thing which totally separates a genius from other people is their commitment towards their work. they are total in their work. they give their 100%. they are so total in their work that at times they look mad to ordinary people. because for them their work is worship. they are so involved with their work that at times they forget about rest of the world. such totality is needed to go deep in any field. give your 100%. i mean it, don’t be a miser and give your 100% to your field. even 99% will not do.
6. be ready to be a loser – most genius are way ahead of their time. sometimes 100 years ahead of the society. so they are often misunderstood. they sometimes don’t get respect, understanding and the monetary benefits which they deserve. but despite all this they persist in their field because they love it. so the genius always gives more importance to his field than to other worldly gains. so you should have a deep love for your work.
7. don’t try to be a genius – simply forget the idea of becoming a great person in your field. instead focus your energies in enjoying your work. be creative in your work. forget all about the results. just focus on the work which is in front of you and give your 100% to it. ultimately its your hard work, passion, persistance and creativity which will bring great results for you.