marriage is a big occasion. perhaps the biggest occasion in life for most people. once my brother told me about a research on happy moments of life. according to the research most people enjoy the peak moment of happiness, self love and fame during their marriage day.
so you can imagine why your marriage day is one of the most important occasion for you as well as for your parents and friends. we all want to celebrate it and make it a special occasion to remember. people save money for years to spend on this one special day.
its good to spend money on wedding but be wise in spending. what i mean is that don’t follow what others are doing. rich people can afford extravagant spending but not all of us. always consider your pocket and your future while allotting money for marriage celebration. a part of money should be kept for the house setup and unseen expenses.
if you spend extravagantly on wedding day then you will have a big memory to cherish for life long. but on the other hand if you cut some costs and save some money for future, then you can live comfortably afterwards. you can have many small moments of happiness like going for a picnic or buying a new dress or going for dinner in an expensive restaurant on your marriage anniversary.
one of the best way to cut down on expenses is to invite only those select people who are really happy for you. who are going to bless you and become part of your happiness. otherwise no need to give invitation to people who are not your well wishers or just acquaintances. remember, every extra person adds some cost to your marriage budget.
i have seen many couple who spend extravagantly on wedding day. but live miserly afterward because they end up spending too much money on wedding preparation like buying jewellery, expensive clothes, furniture and taking care of guests food and stay. so if you have a tight budget then have a balance in spending and saving during marriage. make sure you enjoy the marriage and live comfortably after the marriage too. you should have enough savings to start your new life. as a bachelor life is different but once you get married then lifestyle changes. new expenses comes up which you have not thought before.
few ways to cut down your wedding expenditure:
1. spending on furniture, clothes, electronics and house hold goods should be given first priority.
2. be selective while inviting people for your marriage. no need to invite someone who is just an acquaintance. invite your well wishers and people who really care for you.
3. always keep 20% of expenditure for future savings and also for unseen expenses which will come in your life. also remember that you will always miss some expenses while calculating wedding cost. so keep 5-10% for unseen expenses coming during marriage celebration.
4. you can ask your close friends to give you coupons instead of gifts. this way you can buy things as per your need and budget. this also eliminates the chances of getting an item gifted by two different parties. you know many people like to gift a watch, phone, oven or cooking appliances.
5. one thing which people remember in the wedding is the food. they don’t care much about venue or arrangements or decoration. so cut down on other things but not on food.
6. other small ways of saving money is to avoid getting married in wedding season. booking plane and hotel tickets in advance to get discounts. cut down on decoration. not buying expensive clothes as we don’t wear them often.