every body wants to be happy but very rarely you will come across a happy person. because your happiness does not stay for long. most of the time happiness is temporary or fleeting. one day you are happy for some good news and after few days you become sad for some other reason. so happiness which depends upon the external circumstances can not give you permanent happiness. if you want to have permanent happiness then find some way to be happy which is not dependent on our good luck and prosperity in life.
happiness which is un-caused by any positive event in life is of more value. because it is not dependent on anything. so try to maintain a happy or content attitude towards life, even in adverse conditions. because no one can take it from you. that happiness is also not dependent on outside circumstances which keep on changing. when you can be happy in any situation then ups and downs of life does not matter to you. bliss is also not dependent on the outside circumstances and is higher than happiness.
why bliss is totally different from happiness.
bliss comes when you move from the world of duality to non-duality. in the world of duality, everything is dual and has an opposite to balance it. life moves in duality. e.g day and night, male and female, birth and death, creation and destruction…
everything is balanced by its counterpart. if there is no death in the world then the world will be too populated and its resources will be over soon. moreover, whenever death happens then every thing goes back to the source, so that the energy is available for creation. destruction is needed to have the creation. so everything moves in circle and there are cycles of creation and destruction…. day and night…
same is the case with our emotions in the dual world. some time, we are happy, some time we are sad, angry, jealous or loving. no emotion stays for long and the our emotional state is always fluctuating. another principle of life in the dual world is change. according to gautam buddha everything is changing in this world. so you can not have a emotion all the time in the dual world.
thats why you can not have permanent happiness in the world. but you can be permanently blissful. as bliss belongs to non-dual world where it does not have any counterpart plus the things are eternal.
bliss does not belong to the dual world. because it does not have any counterpart. bliss comes to us whenever we transcend the boundary of mind and goes to no-mind state.
bliss can happen to us:
1. when ever we are total in our actions or when we are in total let go state
2. or when we are totally god intoxicated
3. or when we have lost the feeling of ‘I’ or ego.
4. or when we experience samdhi or satori or no-mind state.
5. or any other reason by which you experience non-dual state.
bliss is a much higher quality than happiness. bliss is a by-product of a meditative mind or a devotee who has surrendered to the god.