self esteem is how you feel about yourself. so you are the creator of your self esteem. its in your hand. society or your friends just respond to your energies.
if the energy you are projecting unconsciously is of good self esteem then it will affect the people opinion about you also.
so never condemn yourself because that thought of condemnation will affect your aura and subtle bodies. when other person meets you, then he is always influenced by the energy in your aura. so always have a good self image.
at the same time, there are people who are always judging or criticizing others. stay away from such people because they just want to demean others. be in a company where people accept as you are. be with people who love as you are. self love is the only way to boost your self esteem. love yourself, love what you do and be loving to others also. love heals.
how to boost your self esteem:
1. never judge yourself in the eyes of others
don’t think what other must be thinking about you. don’t care about public opinion. but make sure you always do what is right or what your inner voice guides you to do. you cannot control people way of thinking but you can always think positive about yourself. positive self talk is the one of the best way to boost your self esteem. at the same time, avoid the company of people who makes you uncomfortable or does not treat you well.
2. don’t compare with others
when you compare with others then you will always find someone who is doing better than you. never compare because it only leads to emotional problems. instead focus your energy on doing something creative, constructive or positive. this will add lot of positivity, happiness and peace in your life.
3. accept yourself as you are
stop negative self talk and learn to love yourself. accept yourself as you are. one of the biggest reason for low self morale is continuously looking at yourself in a demeaning way or negative way. remember every person is a unique and special creation of god. instead of focusing on negative, focus on positive side of yourself. be grateful for everything good you have in life. don’t take you and your life for granted. remember, its a gift from god.
4. think positive, be a optimist
whatever is the situation always look at the positive side of things. be a optimist in life. thinking negative about yourself and about situation never helps. it just demoralize you and saps your energy.
5. develop your will power
many times we don’t succeed because we give up very fast. this leads to low self esteem and confidence. despite having talent many people fail to achieve success because of low will power and lack of patience. so develop your will power and have patience in life. at the right time, things will click. if they are not clicking now, does not mean that you are a failure. so never give up. either you will give up or the obstacles on your path will give up. make sure you are not the one who is going to give up.
6. do something which gives you confidence
it could be learning a new skill or completing a small challenge or something which you are procrastinating for a long time. it could also be spending time with loved ones or meeting a old friend.
7. do what you feel is right
always listen to your inner voice in making decisions. because if you listen to others and the decision turn out to be wrong then it won’t be easy to forgive the other person and yourself. things can also go wrong when you are making decisions. but you always get the opportunity to learn when you make decision. so take advise from wise people but at the end make decision on your wisdom.
8. pamper and groom yourself
take care of personal hygiene. take bath daily, wear fresh and neat clothes. eat healthy and nutritious food. do some physical exercise. get good night sleep.
9. learn to respect your rights
don’t allow anybody to dominate you. always speak for your rights. never allow any body to cheat you or do injustice with you.
10. be creative
when you are creative with your energies then you always feel good about your work. it leads to contentment and good self image.
11. develop a hobby
its very important to inculcate a hobby in life. it could be anything like gardening, singing, music, meditation, yoga, trekking, pottery etc. always do what you enjoy and whats gives you inner peace, harmony and contentment.
12. live a kind and righteous life
never cheat anyone otherwise you will never be proud of yourself. do what is ethical and right. live a life of principles. if you do right and ethical thing then you will never feel guilty. you won’t have any self doubt or double voice within.
13. live a spiritual life
when you live a spiritual life then you don’t focus too much on material gains. you don’t compare your situation with your friends of relatives. you have faith in god justice.
14. do a kind act
when you do a kind act then immediately you feel good. always help the needy. you can donate money to charitable institution or become a volunteer to a NGO or can do any other social work like planting trees in your locality.
15. trust in law of karma
if someone is rich it does not mean he is more intelligent. it could be because of his good karmas in last life. so have faith in god justice and keep on doing the right thing. at the right time, you will be rewarded for your work.
Gopi says
How to contact you..every time I read your any article, I feel myself rejuvenated.
amit says
Thanks Gopi for your kind words. Glad to know that articles are helping you. These days, I keep a very low profile and does not socialize much. However if you want me to cover any topic then do write in comment and i will write an article on it. Keep visiting.