will power plays a important part in achieving success. if you don’t complete your projects then how will you achieve success?
whatever good deeds you decide to achieve you must complete them against all odds. no matter how big is the obstacle never give up. bad time is not going to last forever. but your decisions are always going to contribute to your future. so have a will power which is strong enough to face any resistance.
tips to increase your will power:
1. don’t make big targets when you are low in energy – to target big you need to prepare yourself. so first don’t set big targets for yourself. set small targets which you can achieve with some persistence. with each success your self esteem and will-power will increase. so first achieve the small targets and slowly keep raising the target so that finally one day you can achieve a big target also.
remember, if you give up once you will become weak. so never give up and never set a target which is very high to achieve. you need to be practical and smart in making your plans.
2. whatever you decide, don’t leave it in between. once you decide a target then complete it at any cost. stick to the goal. keep taking small steps towards your goal. the size of your each step is immaterial. what is important is that you don’t give up. keep moving. don’t focus on how long you have to walk but just focus on the next step. it is easy to walk one step than to worry how am i going to complete the journey. your task is to finish the next best job you can do. with each step you will come closer to your journey. remember worry always drains you and you never achieve anything. so take action. do something positive. no matter how small is the positive step, take it. you must move towards your goal.
so the moral is to never give up. never worry about the big distance you have to go through, instead just put your all energy in the taking the next step.
3. exercise for increasing will power – close your eyes, take a deep breath and then exhale. but don’t inhale. stop your breath for one minute or more as per your comfort level. while you are holding your breath visualize the goal you want to achieve. visualize strongly that you are going to achieve it. visualize the scene where you have achieve it. last moment when you inhale finally, inhale with a deep conviction/feeling that “I AM GOING TO ACHIEVE IT”. do this exercise few times and you will feel the difference.
4. exercise to release negative emotions – when you are feeling low and thinking of giving up. then just feel your emotions and start exhaling strongly. feel that all your negative emotions and energy is going out from you with each outgoing breath. do this for few minutes and you will feel fresh.
note – the above two exercises are based on the principle of exhaling negative emotions and inhaling positive emotions and it works. do give it a try.
5. daily tips to boast your energy levels :
a) spend time with positive people or people who nourishes you emotionally. avoid negative people or people who are low in energy level.
b) spend time in nature like gardens, lakes, seas or spiritual center of your religion.
c) read biographies of successful people. you can even put the photos of your role model in your room.
d) do things which inspire you, which builds your self esteem. avoid any activity which makes you weak.
e) never compare with anybody. because each of us is unique and are born with different set of karmas. so just focus your energy in self development. ultimately you will get your due. so work hard. remember no effort goes waste. in right time your effort will give you your due results.
f) have patience. trust in god. have trust on law of karma. nothing comes before its time. so wait. definitely wait before giving up.
g) lastly, i would say give yourself one more chance before giving up. always give one more chance. don’t be a miser, give one more chance.