choice to live a boring or spontaneous life is always yours:
watching the ugly news in television
reading them again in next day newspaper
life looks like a long series of struggle, pain and competition
and there seems no end to this daily struggle.
but when we look at the tall trees or listen to the chirping of birds
or spend time close to nature
life seems to be perfect and peaceful.
both the worlds are true and have their own reality
but the choice is yours.
you can either live a spontaneous and natural life
or you could part of the ambitious and materialistic world.
choose the option to live a spontaneous life:
one option is to choose the ambitious world
and struggle to reach at the top of the ladder
and sacrifice your happiness and ignore your loved ones
so that you can climb higher and higher into the corporate ladder.
another option is to take a break for one month
go to a place close to nature,
away from the hustle and bustle of city life
and relax for one week
so that the influence of society, friends and parents starts disappearing from you
as you spend more time in nature
you become more natural and more spontaneous
as you don’t need to pretend with trees, birds, river or sea
or do you???
what happens, when you spend time in nature
you become more innocent, more alive and more childlike
and you start listening to your inner voice again
and your inner voice is your real guide to satisfied and spontaneous living
so go to a place close to nature
which is still unexploited by men and his greed
and see what your inner voice says to you
once you listen to your inner voice
then one has to be courageous enough to act on it
as very rarely someone follows their inner wisdom
we are more used to follow the society
because that is more comfortable and acceptable
but be courageous and go with the voice of your soul
remember, real happiness does not lie in earning big bucks
but in pursuing your inner talent and creativity
be true to yourself
do what your soul wants to do
instead of following the mad rush of society
always follow your inner nature
few tips to live a spontaneous life:
1. mind is always greedy and repetitive. so always listen to your inner voice or heart.
ignore the mind, if you want to live a spontaneous life.
on the other hand, if you want to become rich or famous, then listen to your mind 🙂
2. always find news ways of doing things. e.g. while going to office, you can take a different route.
whenever there is a choice between two things, then go for new and unexplored territories.
but not at the risk of harming yourself or others.
it should be harmless fun and should not be against your inner voice.
3. live in the present moment. when you are living life moment by moment
then you are always spontaneous in your response.
on the other hand, if you live too much in past or in future then you can not live a spontaneous life.
4. learn meditation. a meditator is always spontaneous in his life.
5. clear the blocked energy from your home. remove the clutter from your home.
as you remove clutter from your home, you will get more clarity
and energy will start flowing in your life.
6. one has to always keep on flowing in life and not to get stuck with the past.
forgive and forget. don’t hold too many grudges or complaints in life.
because this all create blocks in your energy.
instead laugh often. share your abundance with others
and keep on moving with the flow of life.
7. total acceptance and letting go attitude helps.
whosoever you are… you are beautiful.
you are creation of god, so love yourself and accept yourself totally.