removing clutter from home is very important for nice flow of energy in your home. it also help you to think clearly. the house looks neat and beautiful.
keeping the house clean is an important habit which should be taught to children at an early age. you can also have a look at this post on benefits of removing clutter from home.
tips to remove clutter from home:
1. first sit in a relaxed place. get your mental balance. if you like then you can also have a cup of tea or drink of your choice. basically the idea is to get comfortable. now once you are centered and relaxed then visualize your house. imagine or feel how you want your house to be arranged. make a mental arrangement of your house as per your liking or convenience and then start arranging the house as per your visual plan.
2. make space for items to be kept neatly and arranged. sometimes it happens that we have ordered few things over a period of time and we have not enough space to keep them. so make arrangement for these items. for that you might need new bookshelf, closet or a box.
3. remove the unnecessary things – many things are no longer needed by us and they take unnecessary space. so if you are not going to use any thing in future then better to donate it to poor people. this will create free space in your house and also will help some poor person. it also helps in the free flow of energy in your house and also in your life. letting go of things and emotions are important for your well being. good chance to practice letting go 🙂
4. sometimes the things are placed neatly but they are not in the right place. always try to keep the things where they are meant to be.
5. cleaning the house thoroughly – this will help you to find out small things which normally does not come to your attention but are there in your house. its also important to get the house painted after every few years. remove cobweb every few weeks, dusting the house every few days and doing mopping everyday. while mopping the floor you can also put some sea salt. it helps to clean negativity from the house.
6. make it artistic – removing clutter from house is one thing. another important thing is to add artistic quality to your house. always make sure that your home not only looks ordered but also beautiful. this idea of beauty varies from person to person. from me, it is important to keep an statue of god or some divine soul in each room.
7. buy only what is actually needed – make it a habit to buy things which are really essential. buying unessential things clutter your house over a period of time. moreover it deprives someone needy of that thing. demand and supply sets the market price of things. if people stop buying extra things then it will bring down the market price of most essential items. which will help poor people. e.g. if people stop wasting food then it can feed so many hungry people. recently, i read that france has passed a law which stop super stores to throw away unsold food items in garbage. this is a good decision to help poor people. small things makes a big difference, if everyone pools in.
8. start loving and appreciating order in house – if you love cleanliness then your house will always be free of clutter. cleanliness and clutter is a matter of perspective. to some people its OK if their house is cluttered. but some people can not tolerate clutter. so if you are one of those people whose house is usually cluttered then you have to change your perspective towards things and way of living life. start appreciating beauty in life.
secondly, if your head is clear, then your life and home will also be clear of unnecessary things. so read what is essential in internet and don’t clutter your head by reading any news. similarly choose friends wisely and so on.
Lotar Kaestner says
Thank you…God bless you….
amit says
Thanks Lotar for your best wishes.