it is said that the root of all our fears is the fear of death. no one wants to die as death is a complete mystery to us. we don’t know what will happen to us after death.
moreover, death strip us from all our possessions and the identity which we value so much in life. in a way death takes away whatever we call as ‘mine‘ but actually is not. thats the reason no one wants to talk about death because it scares everybody except a yogi or a siddha.
in a way, no fear is good because it cripples the soul. but some fears are good also as fear of fire or fear of falling down from a height because it saves you from the accident. similarly there are some fears which prevent you from doing bad things in life. here is a list of those fears which are good to have for living a righteous life. however it is always best that one should live good life not because you are scared of god but because you genuinely want to live a honest life.
5 things you should be scared of instead of death:
1. bad karma
karma is sticky. it stays with you until you face it. whatever you do with others will come back to you sooner or later. so don’t create trouble for yourself by doing bad karma.
2. wasting life
human life is a golden opportunity to grow and realized your inner nature. if you can live rightly then your death will also be easy because the moment of death just represent the life you have lived. death cannot be different than the essence of your life. so live a good life to grow inwardly as well as to deserve a good death.
3. hurting someone
never hurt someone because it doesn’t help anybody. other person feel bad and you also create bad karma. at the same time, if your intention is to help then its a different matter. e.g. many times parents scold their children for their mistakes. the child feel bad but it is for his good. so here as a responsible parent one need to educate the child and scolding is perfectly fine. so the criteria is never hurt someone out of personal vendetta like anger, jealousy, greed or revenge. be kind and nice to everybody.
4. cheating someone
in life you can cheat only one person that is yourself. however it looks like that you can cheat other people and get away. but law of karma and divine justice is not so weak. karma catches up with you and you have to eventually pay the price of your bad karmas. when you cheat someone then you fall down in your own eyes. you create low vibrations all around you. you choose to walk on a wrong path and you don’t realize where it will take you.
5. falling down in your eyes
never do anything which makes you feel guilty or low in your own eyes. its better to live a harsh but honest life than to commit any action which hurts your soul or your self esteem. always make sure that you have a peaceful sleep. if you are in doubt over a situation that what is right or wrong then remember god or your mother or children and visualize will they be happy seeing you doing this act. immediately you will come to know the right answer.
fear of god and life in hell has saved billions of people from committing sin or crime. if you believe in god then its difficult to commit a crime while remembering the god. so remember god as much as you can so that it helps you to live a pious life.