Totality is the key to success in any field. Whether you are living in the materialistic world or a spiritual sadhak, you need to be total in your work to achieve success.
In spiritual world whenever you are total, you are one from within as well as you are in the present moment. Being total is the key to meditation. Remember, when you are total in any work then you are in a state of meditation.
Most spiritual gurus have given emphasis on doing sincere sadhana and putting all your energies into your spiritual practice. The half-hearted effort can bring success in the materialistic world but never in the spiritual world. In spirituality, one has to give his totality to the sadhana. That’s why in Hinduism it is forbidden for sannyasins to come back to the world and start the householder life. Once you have taken sannyas then you shut the door to the married life. A sannyasin is supposed to bring his entire energy in fulfilling his inner potential. His energy should move inward and not outward towards the worldly ways of living. So the decision of blocking the entry back to householder life for a sannyasin helps him in becoming total in inner journey.
In Hinduism, we always worship or revered the people who have attained to perfection in any of the higher quality like truth, meditation, compassion, love, devotion and so on. This reverence helps in imbibing some of their quality in us. E.g. Lord Rama and Yudhisthra are remembered for their righteousness (Dharma). Lord Hanuman for devotion to his Master. Ma Sita for this devotion and love towards his husband Lord Rama. Raja Harishchandra for his devotion to speaking the truth. Karna from Mahabharata for his selfless charity and loyalty to his friend Duryodhana. So whenever you remember these characters then you are reminded of their integrity and totality in life. Continuous remembering of them will attract the same kind of energy inside you also. That’s why it’s important you choose your ideal in life very carefully. Whatever you think or desire will attract the corresponding energy and situations in your life.
Totality is all about giving your 100 percent to the task. You don’t worry about the results. Instead, you lose yourself so much in the task that your ego does not exist during that phase. That’s why whenever you are total in any work, you feel refreshed and charged. Whenever you want to give your best shot to any task then be total in it. Because during those rare total moments, your work with your totality and you don’t work like a fragmented person.
How to be total in spirituality and in spiritual journey:
1. Spiritual Sadhana
Whatever spiritual practice you choose, go deep in it. Don’t go on changing the mantra or meditation practice. In the end, you have to go deep in any chosen sadhana to reach to your center. Many people have the habit of guru-hopping or visiting one temple or ashram after another. This does not help in long run. The mind has the habit of wandering and distracting you from the spiritual path. So be careful of not wasting your life like this. Be total with your spiritual practice. Choose one deity and worship it totally instead of praying to all gods. Read, the life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. He excelled in many spiritual practices. But when he has chosen one spiritual practice then he forgot all about other spiritual practices. He was total in every spiritual practice he chose and that’s why he could attain to divine from so many different paths.
2. Be in the moment
When you work passionately or totally then you are always in the present moment. You can give your total energy to a project when you are totally involved in it. Which means your mind is not there but your whole being is working in the project. When mind enters then your attention moves to the past or to the future. Be in the moment is like being in touch with your soul. So try to live in the present moment as much as you can. Secondly, don’t think that any work is higher or lower. Do every task with totality. Give your 100 percent to every task. Also, check – How to be total in daily activities of life.
3. Relationship
Be total in your relationship with others. Don’t use your friends or make friendship for just benefits sake. Don’t be in the habit of changing partners like changing mobile phones. Be true to your partner. Your relationship can go deep and will have the beauty when you are total with your partner. The intention of making the relationship work is also very important. On the other hand, when you keep on changing partners or friends then it leads to fragmented personality. As a spiritual sadhak you need to be integrated, crystalline or one from within.
4. Fulfill Your Dharma
Whatever is your dharma or duty in life should be fulfilled. Don’t escape or ignore them. e.g. in Bhagavat Gita, Lord Krishna told Arjuna that your inherent nature is of a warrior. So you have to fight the war to save dharma and that is your duty as a warrior. When you pursue the work which comes naturally to you as per your gunas (nature) then you are more in tune with your energies. Your gunas or nature does not depend on your financial status, family, caste, religion, country etc but it depends upon your very nature which does not change from life to life. When you are true to your nature then you can come close to your center very easily than by walking on any other path.
So be total in your work, in your relationship with others as well as in your spiritual sadhana. Don’t do anything which creates conflict or division inside you. Whenever you are total, you are whole and you are one from within. The duality or ego or mind disappears when you are total in your work. That’s why I say it again, totality is the key to reaching to your center.
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