nature or god is always kind to us. like a super mother, nature does everything to protect us. forgetting our previous lives is one such protection mechanism of nature.
its good that we don’t remember our past lives. otherwise life would not have been easier for most people. anyways life is difficult at times for most of us. memories of past births would have added more burden and pain in our daily life.
think about these situations related with memories of your previous births:
1. your father in this life was your husband or son in previous life. (this is possible because most of the times, souls take birth in groups and are closely related in relations. your wife could be your sister, daughter, mother or grand mother in previous life. it all depends what karma she needs to balance with you or the role she has to play in your life. but many times husband-wife relation goes for many life births. in hinduism we pray during marriage that you should be married for seven life times).
2. your best friend in this life had betrayed you in previous life. so now in this life he could be balancing the betrayal by helping you. but if you know about the betrayal part then you will never be friendly with him.
3. you lived a very bad life in previous birth. this memory will bring lot of guilt and regret in your life.
4. you were a rich person in previous life and now in this life is struggling to meet ends. for you it will be very difficult to accept your present life. just think your servant from previous life is your boss in this life. how you are going to deal with this situation?
all these types of possibilities are possible if you remember your previous birth. this will add lot of trauma and problems in your life. you don’t know how to deal in a relationship. so better to forget the previous birth. anyhow the learning from previous births are within us and that is enough.
so nature wants you and other persons to have a fair chance to grow and balance their karmas. if someone has cheated you in previous life then you should give him a fair chance to be friendly to you and balance his karma.
although the memory of previous birth is wiped out but the energetic phenomena still works. e.g. if someone was a good friend to you in previous life, then you will feel like becoming friendly to this person in this life also. you may not know the reason why you are open and friendly to this person but the feeling of friendliness will be there. same is true for animosity and other feelings also. someone who has cheated you in previous life will attract suspicion from you in the first meeting. all these energetic impressions varies from person to person and as per our intuition, sensitivity and mental state in that moment.
so never try to remember your past lives. unless you can deal with your emotions from a higher perspective or you have attained great stability in meditation.
P.S. the meditation technique to remember your past lives is in buddhism and is called as ‘jati samran’.