If we don’t suppress our emotions then we will be more emotionally healthy and mature. The society does not allow us to be ourself and this at time suppress our natural expression.
Any energy if get suppressed becomes a block of energy inside us and thus come in the way of living a spontaneous and healthy life. When we suppress our emotions, then we not only lose our spontaneity and fluidity in life but also become rigid with our thinking and approach towards life.
We all have some or other emotional problem which we need to clear so as to become emotionally healthy. While growing up we have lost many of the important inner qualities which we all are born with. In a way, if we can regain the innocence, spontaneity, honesty and totality of our childhood then we will be more balanced and whole from within.
5 Qualities which you should not suppress:
1. Laughter
If you know how to laugh totally then no pain or suffering can ever touch you. You don’t need a reason to laugh and it does not cost a dime to laugh out loud. We spend so much money on entertainment and gadgets to be happy but the real happiness is right in your heart. Just learn to laugh totally. Spend time with small children and they will teach you many invaluable lessons of life and one of them is laughter and playfulness.
2. Tears
Tears are your best friend in the time of misery, pain, and suffering. Allow them to come out. Because they will take away your pain and trauma and will make you lighter and fresh. People who have difficulty in crying carry lot of pain and regret inside their heart.
It’s fine to make mistakes. We all do that at times. But it’s not fine to suppress your pain and tears. Let the tears flow when they are needed. I know at times it is not easy to cry for men because we are trained from childhood to behave as a strong person. But if we try to change our attitude and agree that it’s alright to cry at times then slowly the emotional conditioning of suppressing tears will go away with time.
3. Inner Voice
Your intuition is your doorway to the divine guidance. It always guides you to the right path. So whenever you have to make a big decision then wait silently to listen that subtle voice of soul which never fails us.
4. Creativity
Creativity is something which fulfills you from within. No amount of money, power or fame can bring that inner satisfaction which a small mundane job done creatively can bring to you.
So always be original and never imitate others. Find your own originals style and be creative in your work. Give more importance to creativity than to efficiency or to just completing the task somehow.
5. Speech
Whenever you see anything wrong happening to you or to the others then don’t simply keep quiet. Always raise your voice and express your truth. It’s better to express your opinion than to silently keep on cribbing inside the heart or to regret later on in future that why I didn’t speak before.
The world does not suffer much because of the actions of bad people. It suffers more because of the passivity or inaction of good people. If you know that you are right then always speak your mind.
Sheeba Caroline says
Hi Amit, another simple yet profound article. I would like to have more clarity with no:6. Sometimes I voice out and I chose to be quiet because I feel that expressing your opinion doesn’t change a thing which makes me feel that my energy was wasted so what do you suggest I do in those situations? Thanks 🙂
amit says
thanks sheeba. sometimes expression helps and some times it is better to be quiet. so there cannot be a fixed rule on how to respond to situation. respond as per the situation. be in tune with your energies. always do which brings peace to your heart and does not create inner conflict.