Many times, it happens that the energy of our house becomes negative and thats starts affecting our life badly. It could be because we ran through a bad phase in life. Or it could be that we have moved to a new house and do not find the house energy very positive and harmonious.
In such a scenario, it is important to remove the energy that has become stagnant and negative and invite positive energy in the house.
Here are some excellent tips to recharge your home with positive and good vibrations and remove negative energy from it.
15 Tips to Remove Negative Energy from Home
1. Getting the house painted
Whenever you move to a new house the first thing you should do is the painting job. Get a fresh coat of paint and choose the color of your liking.
Also remember to wash the floor with salt water. Also clean all the windows, fans, cup boards etc.
It will clear much of the energies of the previous occupant. Never use any wooden furniture of the old occupant like almirah, tables, chairs etc.
Whenever we stay in any home then the furniture, walls, curtains etc absorbs the energy and the experiences of the people who are staying there. So if you are moving to a new house as a tenant then always prefer taking an empty house and bring your own furniture, curtains and beds and get it it painted before moving in.
2. Fresh air and sunlight
Open all the windows and doors of the home and let the fresh air flow into your home. Increase the cross ventilation in your home and switch on fans to help air circulation. Sunlight is very vital for removing negative energy.
When chooosing a home give preference to places where they have a good air ventilation so that fresh can come in and sunlight comes to most areas of the home. Dead and stagnant air is not at all good for your emotional and physical well being.
3. Washing the floor with salt water
Put a cup of regular salt in one bucket of water
(sea salt is much better than regular salt for this purpose)
and do floor mopping with this salt water.
Salt water is an excellent way of removing negativity and its not a bad idea to clean your home once a month with salt water. You can take salt water bath also by putting a cup of salt in your bucket while taking bath.
4. Lighting a fragrance
In every religion there is a particular incense or fragrance that is used.
Every type of incense has different purposes and properties
So make use of all – dhoop, agarbati, lobhan, camphor and particularly sage. Nowadays you can “Sage” herb easily in online stores and smudging with sage is an excellent way to remove the negative energry and bad spirits from home.
5. Burning sesame oil or mustard oil
Sesame oil is especially useful for clearing negativity
as well as to ward off evil energy or black magic.
So light a diya with sesame oil. You can also mustard oil or ghee (clarified butter).
6. Play devotion music as well as vedic chanting mantras
Best is to chant Om (Aum) mantra yourself loudly for some minutes or some other powerful mantra.
But if you can not do that then play devotional music or mantras in your music system and let it play non-stop for some hours.
It’s not a bad idea to let the devotional music keep on playing throughout the night
at a low volume that does not disturb your sleep as well as the neighbours
7. Religious ceremony
Organize a religious event like reading of holy book of your religion and request the priest to do special rituals to invite the grace of higher beings.
I personally take help of Vedic pundits to do proper havan (homa) in the home.
8. Meditation
If you know meditation then there is nothing better than it.
Through your meditation achieve a state of total stillness and the whole energy of the house will be transformed.
9. Removing unused items
Whatever items you don’t need or are not going to use in the future then simply get rid of them. I always donate such items to the needy or poor people. It could be your old clothes, books, crockery, shoes or something else.
Just clear the space for something new to come into your life. This makes the flow of energy moving again and you earn some good karma as well.
10. Put your house items in proper order
Make sure to arrange everything in your home in the proper place. Let your home look neat and ordered. And everything should be there where they are supposed to be.
- Arrange all the books on the bookshelf in order. Do the same with clothes in your wardrobe and other such items.
- Clear all the cobwebs from your home.
- Get rid of any broken item, glass or crockery.
- Wash your bedsheets, curtains and doormats.
This will instantly make a big difference in your house energy and will bring more clarity inside you also.
11. Charge the corners of your home
The corners of your home are the places where the maximum amount of negative energy is stored. So you can keep a bowl with salt water (preferably sea salt) in a corner for 30 minutes or more time. Then throw the salt water in the wash basin. Just make sure to not touch this water as it has absorbed the negative energy from that corner of your home.
Alternatively you can burn camphor in the corners or specially at the entrance of your home or you can also think of having a small water fountain in the home.
12. Remove items that bring thoughts of depression and negativity
Just have a careful look at your home.
What are the items that bring thoughts of sadness, depression or bring down your morale? Simply get rid of these items.
Instead keep photos of loved ones, or of memorable times or oof family trips that makes you smile or inspire.
13. Spiritual masters photos and buddha statue
Keep some photos of enlightened masters like Buddha, Nanak, Krishna, Jesus in your home
if possible, then keep a Buddha statue or the statue of your beloved master that inspire you to walk on the higher path and raise your energies.
14. Keep some plants in the home
Plants give us a lot of prana (chi) and they charge the place. Always make your surroundings green and full of life. While looking for a new home keep an eye on the amount of greenery in that area. So keep some potted plants like palms or flowering plants in your home.
If you have garden space then you are lucky. Do plant some trees to enjoy their shade after some years.
15. Take care of your energies
You are the most important energy element in your home. If you are positive then you are contributing maximum positive energy to your home. So always stay positive, loving and peaceful. Nothing shoud disturb your peace of mind.
So there are some thoughts to keep your energy positive and vibrant:
- Don’t spend time gossiping or criticizing others
- Don’t watch bad movies or listen to music that makes you restless, angry, sexual or disturbed.
- Avoid people and situations that drains you of energy and make you tired.
- Whenever you come from a crowded place then always take a bath and wear fresh clothes.
- Share your abundance and positivity with others. Whatever we share increases and whatever we don’t share gets depleted over time.
- Avoid non-vegetarian food, alcohol and a lot of sex. These things in combination attract negative entities. Eat food that is easy to digest and nourishes you.
This Post from the blog archives, first published in Feb 2014 has been republished and updated on Feb 2024.
S.Vinod Kumar says
Sir/Madam, I have so many hurdles coming in to my life even I don’t try to do harm to any one,
and in job also my salary increment was not done even they agreed to doing it so but dragging so long. I am in Kuwait now working. please have your concern to make some positive changes in my life which lead and make my life easier to put forward my path to come up from the present situations.
hope is in me ,lets see what will happen?
admin says
vinod, follow some tips mention in the post and you will see more positivity in your life and attitude.
Gaurav Sharma says
I am running my own business in New Delhi for the last 3 years. I have my shares of ups and downs. In fact more downs than ups. Everytime my business comes on track a new problem arises like over spending employee problems, negative vibrations, restlesness and low sales. Please help me in this matter.
admin says
gaurav, follow the tips in this post which suits you. moreover do some pooja and pray to your deity/god for help and guidance.
admin says
gaurav, follow few tips from this post which makes sense to you and slowly the things might improve with god grace. remember god for guidance and help.
Sheila says
Hello , I have a negative entity that has attached himself to me ! What is the simple way to get rid of it & protect myself from it happening again ?
amit says
Sheila, I am not the right person to guide you. Kindly pray to god for guidance and you will receive the right answer.
Pranati sahoo says
Sir pranam. I am worried about my husband and daughter.every time I pray pls help my husband and also my daughter and also other people
amit says
Pranati Pranam
I don’t have power to help any one.
Pray to god with a sincere heart and you will get all guidance and help.
Meenu says
In my house evry one is sick my dad is drinking alcohol too much and he is unable to stop all this now a days his condition is worst bd olso he is diabetic he is suffering a lot and olso same with my mom she is not well no one un our family is happy evry time ol ar fighting crying evrything is meshed plz plz plz help me out
i m not getting gov job my brother is not getting admision any where
amit says
meenu, can’t say what could be the issue.
Prashant says
Hello , we all family member r facing same medical problem since we moved to hour new home and the progress lyk career money and job totally stopped .what shiud we have to do most of money we earned always get spent on medication. Is there any evil place situation there or any black magic pls pls pls help
amit says
Prashant, can’t say what could be the issue.
From 2013 i am regularly losing my job each year, what should i do to get the job stability as it is really painful and disturbing and in present also i have become jobless.
amit says
ajay, no idea what could be the reason or solution for it.
j chandana says
Hello sir I am chandana.in my home some different sounds are coming without making anyone. Our house is rent.we live in different different houses.and our minds also not working ,thinking right manner.please help me sir how can change our life.
amit says
chandana, no idea whats the issue.
Barbe says
I love this thank you so much for the wisdom and guidance! Very helpful and insightful 🙂 Blessings to you!
umesh says
good remedial solution
Nupur says
Thank you for sharing such positivity & guidance.. will surely try this out.. God bless.. take care