Nature is our mother and it never means any harm for us. So it has already made mechanism to protect us from certain things. E.g. we don’t remember our past life for our own good. Similarly ghost exist but not in our dimension. So that minimizes the chances of having an encounter with them.
But still you must have heard cases of spirit possession. These are rare cases which could happen for a number of things. It’s good to know when and how you can attract ghost in your life so that you can take necessary precaution.
If by chance, you land up in such a situation then never challenge the ghost. Be respectful to them and to their space. Leave their space immediately. Chant Hanuman Chalisa or Hanuman Kavach or Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or your own Sidh (potent) mantra or remember your guru or deity. But don’t get scared. Because fear will make your aura shrink and that can create space for the ghost to enter. That’s one of the main reason Swami Vivekananda denied the existence of ghost because this belief of their non-existence makes you fearless.
During my college life, I used to stay in a hostel. One of our friends died by drowning in a river by accident. So most of us used to be scared of going to his room. But one of our Bengali friend who never believed in ghost started staying in his room without any fear. He chose the room because it gave him privacy and space as he does not need to share the room with two more people. So you know how our beliefs and thoughts create panic in our life. Sometimes there are no ghosts in your life. You create them by your imagination. When doubt about paranormal things enters in your mind then your imagination becomes very fertile. Any small sound can create panic in you. So keep calm and don’t think too much in such situation. Best is to do pooja or practice any spiritual practice or to do something which brings back your confidence.
You can also check these two posts:
1. How to remove haunted energy from home
2. Signs you live in a haunted house
Reasons you can have encounter with ghosts and spirits
1. Karmic Connection
Most of the spirit possession, encounters or such problems are karmic. The Great Aghori Master Vimalananda also mention this in the book “Aghora Trilogy”. In a way, nothing happens without any reason. You must have earned the karma for inviting good or bad incidents in your life.
So if you end up having an encounter with a ghost then most probably you have created the seeds for that situation to occur. E.g. you have acted bad with a person and he has lot of anger and revengeful feeling against you. If while dying also he remembers you with anger then there are chances that if after dying he gets trapped in ghost dimension then he can try to even the score with you. So don’t create karma which you may not like to face in future.
2. Excess of Alcohol, Drugs, Sex or Orgies:
Don’t go into too much of extreme in these things. Remember, when a couple is having sex then lot of bodyless beings get attracted towards them because they want to be reborn. But the final race is mostly won by someone who is karmically supposed to be reborn in your home. But when you go too much into these things and specially in negative places then you can offset the nature rule and invite such problems in your life. Don’t play with your energies at such an extreme level that it put lot of pressure on your auric and emotional body. Keep your aura healthy and energies pure and sattvic. Always invite positive energy in your home.
3. By Accident
Many people just get connected with ghost by accident. They didn’t want to irritate or make the ghost angry but unknowingly that’s what they end up doing. E.g. I have heard cases where someone was traveling in train and then in the middle of the journey, the train stopped somewhere in an isolated area. The place was inhibited and away from human population. The person came out of the train and ate something under a tree and soon got possessed.
Some people like to urinate under a tree. The bodyless beings get big time offended with the smell of urine. Because they eat by smell and sight. So for them, it’s like you have come to their home and urinating there.
So as a precaution never eat (especially sweet) in a place which is far away from human population and never urinate under a tree specially peepal and banyan tree. Many mothers in Indian homes don’t allow their children to eat sweet and then immediately go out of home in the evening time. If they have to go out of home after eating sweet then they are made to taste the salt.
4. Weak Aura and Vulnerability
If there are lot of holes in your aura then you are not only more susceptible to negative energy but also to ghosts or body-less entities. The holes in aura create a opening for them. Just as Ozone layer protects the earth from harmful UV radition of Sun. Similarly a strong aura protects you from negativity and other worldly problems.
Women during monthly periods are also in a vulnerable state as the bodyless beings naturally gets attracted to the menstrual fluid as it carries life and is life giving. The bodyless beings wants to possess a body or want to be reborn. So its natural for them to get attracted to menstrual fluid. So take precaution during these times and don’t venture into places where energy is not positive.
5. Visiting Haunted Places
If you visit a cemetery or cremation ghat or an isolated place which has weird energy then there are more chances to get attracted to such beings. If a home is closed for many years then it will have stagnant and blocked energy. Avoid spending time in such closed homes. The place where murder or any intense energtic negativity has happened can again attract such energy. So as a rule avoid visiting places which are not charged with positive energy. If you happen to visit any such negative place then after coming home put your clothes for washing and immediately take salt water bath. Also check this post – How to remove negative energy from your home.
Always restraint yourself from venturing into the occult dimension without the protection of a master. Avoid planchet or channeling or anything else which connects you with the dimension of ghosts. Because once you break the subtle wall which nature has created to separate your world from theirs, then it is not easy to make it again. It’s easy to open the door to their dimension but not easy to close it back. In that scenario, you must learn how to create ‘kilana’ or any other energetic protection ring around you.